Air Pollution Management and Natural Environment Awareness

Air Pollution Management and Natural Environment Awareness

Air pollution is one of the most serious problems. This problem is very harmful for our earth and the health of all of us. Why is it very important to manage air pollution today? Because today’s air quality has become very dangerous and is increasing day by day. If this air pollution is not cleaned then it will become very dangerous.

Air Pollution Management and Natural Environment Awareness
Air Pollution Management and Natural Environment Awareness

Air Pollution Management means when fix of harmful gases , dust and smoke get mixed in the air, due to which the air is not breathable. This problem is more seen in cities, but villages are also not untouched by it. We discussed with many people and found out that it is affecting them in many ways like difficulty in breathing, headache, dryness, cold, weakness etc.

Air Pollution Causes and Management

There can be many causes of air pollution, out of which we will analyze the important causes and tell:

When we see smoke coming out of vehicles around us, it is mainly because of these, which include: Smoke coming out of vehicles like cars, buses and motorcycles is the biggest cause of air pollution. If we can understanding of pollution so than we can successful air pollution management. And in today’s time, the use of vehicles like cars, buses, trucks and motorcycles has increased. You will be very surprised to know that the smoke and harmful gases coming out of them, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide, are the biggest causes of air pollution. This problem is especially serious in cities. And it is increasing every day.

Smoke coming out of factories

Gases coming out of factories and industries, such as sulfur dioxide and ammonia, pollute the air a lot. Toxic chemicals are used in many industries, which mix in the air and make it unfit for breathing. Build factories away from the city where there are less people and more trees.

Cutting trees

When we cut trees, the pollutants in the air increase. Trees help in keeping the air clean. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. But when we cut more and more trees, the pollutants in the air increase. So instead of cutting trees, grow them. If you cannot grow them, then at least do not cut them.

Burning garbage

Burning garbage also releases harmful gases, there is a practice of burning garbage in many places. This spreads harmful gases and smoke in the air. Burning of substances like plastic releases poisonous substances called dioxins. So please do not burn dirty garbage.

Use of more energy

Natural resources like coal and oil are used to generate electricity. Burning them also causes pollution. So try as much as possible to use energy only when necessary.

Effects of Air Pollution

The effects of air pollution are very dangerous:

Effects on health:

  • Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer.
  • Heart diseases and strokes are also increasing due to pollution.
  • Air pollution has a greater effect on all small children and the elderly of today’s generation.
  • Living in polluted air for a long time reduces our life expectancy.
  • Effects on plants and animals: Pollution prevents the growth of plants and also harms the health of animals.

Climate change is caused by humans and not nature: As we have been realizing for the past several days that air pollution is increasing, how to fix it can be the problem of every person and it is our responsibility to solve it because nature is the same for all people.

Air pollution increases the temperature of the earth which is called global warming, the effect of which can be seen in the northern part of India. Decreasing cold in the month of November is a sign of global warming. Air pollution increases the risk of global warming. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane increase the temperature of the earth. You will be surprised to know that due to this the ice melts, the sea level rises and the weather cycle changes.

Damage to the ozone layer: Harmful gases damage the ozone layer, which is unable to protect us from the harmful rays of the sun. And we may get diseases like skin cancer.

Management of air pollution

We should take some important steps to prevent air pollution:

  • Proper use of vehicles: We should use public transport and make a habit of cycling or walking.
  • We need trees: We should plant as many trees as possible because they clean the air.
  • Need for filtering in factories: Factories should be fitted with equipment that prevents harmful gases from escaping.
  • Increasing discussion on waste management: Instead of burning the waste, it should be disposed of in a proper manner.
  • Create a clean environment using clean energy: We should use solar energy, wind energy and other clean energy sources.
  • Improve government policies to take strict action against pollution: The government should make strict laws and impose fines on people and companies who spread pollution.
  • Make people aware: People should be made aware about the dangers of air pollution and its prevention through schools, TV and social media.

Our Contribution to Management of Air Pollution:

As a healthcare partner of, we can also help in preventing air pollution. We can plant trees, reduce the use of plastic and keep the environment around us clean. Apart from this, we should also make our family and friends aware.

If every person believes that I am responsible for air pollution and it is my responsibility to fix it, then every person will try to fix it because we cannot blame someone else for air pollution because nothing will happen by doing this, rather we can make it clean by creating awareness among people.

Way to stop air pollution:

If I want to stop air pollution, then I am telling you my idea.

My clean air is my life - MD Lines
My clean air is my life – MD Lines

First of all, we will run a campaign in which we will spread awareness among people about a theme named “My clean air is my life”. When people will see this, then people will definitely think that this is about me and when people will take up their responsibilities, then the whole country will remain clean and free from air pollution.

“My clean air is my life” This theme should be displayed everywhere where people come and go like Delhi Metro, Delhi Bus and other places where people come in millions.

Along with this, by spreading this air pollution theme on social media, everyone will help in cleaning the air for their good and healthy life.

Key Misconceptions of People and Their Truths

Misconception of People: Only the government can stop air pollution.

By thinking that the responsibility of stopping air pollution lies only with the government, we ignore our role. At the individual level, steps like vehicle sharing, saving energy, and reducing plastic use can also be very effective.


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