10 Workout at Home to Lose Weight and Belly Fat

Workout at Home to Lose weight

A number of videos for working out at home to lose weight are gaining popularity nowadays. This is because we live in an environment that affects our overall health. Age advances with an increase in belly fat and accumulation of fat around the waist. This is associated with several reasons involved in the process. Like a reduction in muscle mass and hormonal imbalances along with some lifestyle-related changes. A sedentary lifestyle with wrong dieting speeds up the process. Increased fat around the waist has associated health hazards.

10 Workout at Home to Lose Weight and Belly Fat

Additionally, extra fat in the abdominal region is not only a poor thing aesthetically but also dangerous for overall health. Therefore, it has been proved through different kinds of scientific study. That visceral fat stored in the depth of the surface area of an abdominal region may cause severe problems with a strong probability of threatening the health disorder related to the risk of metabolic complications, cardiovascular-related disorders, etc.

Approximately 42.4% of adults in the U.S. had higher weight in 2020. Moreover, this massive percentage comprised people who had excess belly fat. The National Institutes of Health says that increased inflammation, insulin resistance, and higher mortality are associated with visceral fat. This article will cover the best workout at home to lose weight, based on scientific evidence, and dispel common myths. Lastly, giving you actionable strategies to help you lose unwanted fat in a sustainable way.

Understanding Belly Fat and Its Types

Understanding Belly Fat and Its Types

Before we get into exercises, it is essential to understand the different types of belly fat:

  • Subcutaneous Fat: To begin with this is the soft, pinchable fat directly under the skin. While this may not do much harm to the body itself, a great deal of subcutaneous fat can still produce health problems connected with obesity.
  • Intramuscular Fat: Secondly, the fat accumulates in muscle fibers. In most cases, it is not the problem but still will cause lesser muscle efficiency for those carrying more body fat around.
  • Visceral Fat: Last but the most dangerous, this is the most lethal type of fat in the abdomen. It occurs deep inside the abdominal cavity, adjacent to visceral organs, and faces around the liver or the intestines, for instance. A high level of visceral fat has been associated with the likelihood of experiencing insulin resistance, heart problems, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic syndromes.

Risk of Extra Belly Fat

Risk of Extra Belly Fat

With the stressful routine we all live in, seeking a workout at home to lose weight is a must. Some research studies revealed that people with higher weight die young and have a 50% chance of dying early compared to individuals with little or no visceral fat. According to the Journal of the American Heart Association, its 2019 survey reported that the death rate for cardiovascular diseases was three times higher than that of the others with a low waist-to-hip ratio. The WHO says that over 35 inches (88 cm) around the waist is a risk marker for more risks for women, and for men, if it is more than 40 inches (102 cm), it poses a risk.

Can you lose belly fat in targeted zones?

Can you lose belly fat in targeted zones

The most popular myth in terms of fat loss, particularly in the abdominal area, is that if one does hundreds of ab exercises. Then belly fat will simply melt away. Science has proved otherwise. A study was done to compare a group that only did exercises in the abdominal area and another group that had full-body exercises. Its conclusion was that spot reduction is not possible because it is a systematic fat loss that cannot target specific parts of the body.

Important Note: You cannot burn just the inches of your stomach muscle through exercise, you need both aerobic exercise or cardio and dieting to melt the fat down.

List of Best Workouts to Burn the Belly Fat

1. Cardio or Aerobic Exercise

Cardio or Aerobic Exercise

Cardio exercises are shown to be the most efficient ones in losing visceral fats. A study concluded that medium to high levels of aerobic exercises would lead to great loss in belly fat for adults having higher weight.

Best Cardio Exercises for Belly Fat Burning:

Brisk Walking (45-60 minutes per session, 5 times a week)
Running or Jogging (30 minutes, 4 times a week)
Cycling (45 minutes, 3-4 times a week)
Swimming (40 minutes, 3 times a week)
Rope Jumping (15 minutes, 5 times a week)

In one experiment, it was shown that for 30 minutes, a 155-pound person will burn around 372 calories running at 6 miles per hour. This is an excellent activity to burn off body fat.



It’s one of the quickest and most efficient ways to remove that unwanted tummy fat. If a person trains their body through HIIT training. Rather than a steady state of cardio. Their visceral fat diminishes by 17% within 12 weeks.

Sample Routine for HIIT Training (Perform for 3-4 Rounds)

Jump Squats -30 seconds
Burpees- 30 seconds
Mountain Climber -30 seconds
Push-ups – 30 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds

These short cycles of high-intensity exercise interspersed with brief periods of rest enhance EPOC. Calorie burning will be maintained even after the exercise has been completed.

3. Strength and Resistance Training

Strength and Resistance Training

One of the best ways to lose body fat, especially abdominal fat is through weight training. Because calorie expenditure during rest due to muscle tissue has a significantly higher cost for calorie expenditure. As compared to that of fat tissue. A man who did 20 minutes of strength training daily saw the growth rate of his belly fat as compared to his peers. Who had done only cardio for 12 years, said researchers at Harvard School of Public Health.

Best Strength Training Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Deadlifts: 12 reps, 3 sets
Squats: 15 reps, 3 sets
Lunges (12 reps per leg, 3 sets)
Plank Rows: 10 reps, 3 sets
Russian Twists (15 reps per side, 3 sets)

4. Core Workout at Home to Lose Weight:

Core Workouts

Core workouts don’t burn fat, but they tone up the stomach muscles. Once the excess fat is burned, that will show up well.

Best Ab Workouts:

Planks (Hold for 60 seconds, 3 sets)
Bicycle Crunches (15 reps per side, 3 sets)
Reverse Crunches (12 reps, 3 sets)
Leg Raises (15 reps, 3 sets)
Scissor Kicks (20 reps, 3 sets)

Other Tips to Reduce the Belly Fat

1. Diet:

Keeping the diet is quite an important thing to lose fat. Study shows that reducing the usage of refined carbohydrates and sugars and increasing the proteins along with fiber. It decreases the body’s visceral fats.

Nutrition Diet:

Consumption of more proteins (Chicken, fish, tofu, beans)
Consumption of more Fiber (Vegetables, Fruits, Whole grains)
Reducing Fast food and Soft drinks

2. Sleep and Stress Management:

A study of Obesity Research & Clinical Practice had found that in comparison to well-rested people, 22% higher visceral fat exists in those sleepers who did not get up to 6 hours of slumber at a time.

Improve Sleep Strategies

Retire to bed around the same time each night.
Do not use caffeine and screens close to bedtime.
Practice Relaxation techniques; meditation, Yoga.


Losing belly fat requires a holistic approach. You need a combination of cardio, HIIT, strength training, a healthy diet, quality sleep, and stress management. Even scientific research shows that 30-60 minutes of moderate to high-intensity exercise per day. Combined with a well-balanced diet, can reduce visceral fat by 10-20% within three months. Rather than looking for quick fixes, focus on sustainable lifestyle changes. And you will see progress in your belly fat reduction journey.


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